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I am not one to spend a lot of time listening to music other than the drive to and from work.  There are a lot of times that I drive in silence to unwind from the day.  The last few months I have spent a lot of time commuting to the basement for work and no time on the road.  I have enjoyed the commute and have spent a lot of time “cranking the tunes” while I worked.  Jodi would tell me to turn it down—because as the day went on…the volume might have “gone up”. 

As I’ve been working here at home, I have been taking advantage of listening to Christian music throughout the day and the same music the next day and the next.  As I heard the songs over and over again I started to really listen to the lyrics:

Singing oh Lord, keep me in the moment
Help me live with my eyes wide open
‘Cause I don’t wanna miss what you have for me

Singing oh Lord, show me what matters
Throw away what I’m chasing after
‘Cause I don’t wanna miss what you have for me

This reminds me not to miss what God has for me today; I don’t want to miss his blessings of today because I am chasing something of no value.

When darkness closes in on every side
When battles rage and when the waters rise
I fear no evil for I know the truth
Nothing can separate my heart from You ‘Cause there’s no weapon stronger than Your love

God’s love for me is the best weapon to overcome all my fears. 1 John 4:18 “Perfect love drives out fear”.

Saturday was silent, surely it was through
But since when has impossible ever stopped You
Friday’s disappointment Is Sunday’s empty tomb
Since when has impossible ever stopped You

This is the sound of dry bones rattling

This is the praise make a dead man walk again
Open the grave, I’m coming out I’m gonna live, gonna live again
This is the sound of dry bones rattling

God is life giving.  He takes what is dead and makes it alive.  Ezekiel 37:5 This is what the Sovereign Lord says to these bones: I will make breath[a] enter you, and you will come to life.   

The Psalmists wrote about their relationship with God in song. The songs I listened to were experiences with God of the lyric writer.   Song is a powerful way God gets deep into our heart and helps us understand God in new and life giving ways.  Let’s write our own lyrics of adoration to our great God. Enjoy the song of your heart.