Eighth in the series "Under Pressure." Matt Kucher shares some praise songs and Pastor John has some solid teaching about stones.
The seventh in the series "Under Pressure." The message includes a salute to our 2020 grads from Interim Youth Pastor Mark Kato.
This is the sixth in the series "Under Pressure." In the video, Pastor John's message is preceded by two praise songs from Jodi Moxness and her son, Adam. The notes…
In the video, Mark and Josh Kato share praise songs, followed by Pastor John's message, the fifth in the "Under Pressure" series.
#4 in the series "Under Pressure." In the video, Matt Kuchers leads us with some music, and Pastor John has a question for you.
Third in the series "Under Pressure" On the video version the praise team offers several selections, and Pastor John delivers his message and then invites you to share in the…