Good Friday: Lifted Up April 2, 2021 Good Friday, 2021. The audio and the video files include an excerpt from The Chosen. The service concludes with an invitation to communion. The notes (below) contain the "questions regarding…
For the Sake of the Gospel Impact March 21, 2021 The fifth in the series "For the Sake of the Gospel"
For the Sake of the Gospel Abounding Love March 14, 2021 Fourth in the series "For the Sake of the Gospel"
For the Sake of the Gospel Unlocking Joy in Relationship March 7, 2021 Third in the series "For the Sake of the Gospel"
For the Sake of the Gospel Joy in the Gospel February 21, 2021 First in the series "For the Sake of the Gospel"
Church Membership - How Does This Work? Better Together February 14, 2021 Fourth in the series "Church Membership - How Does This Work?"