AWANA runs from the middle of September through April. We serve kids and their families 3 years old (potty trained) through 8th grade. We look forward to each year of more learning about Jesus and how to be in a relationship with Him. Find out more about our program as it is in session by navigating through our AWANA Clubhouse below.
AWANA runs from the middle of September through April. We serve kids and their families 3 years old (potty trained) through 8th grade. We look forward to each year of more learning about Jesus and how to be in a relationship with Him. Find out more about our program as it is in session by navigating through our AWANA Clubhouse below.
Notes about our Club: Cubbies need to be potty trained and must make the school cutoff as this is only a two year program meant to go before Sparks.. The first two nights of Club, our Cubbie parents must stay in the building to ensure a smooth transition. Journey is our senior high program that will be bookwork and a serving requirement fulfilled by serving in our Wednesday night Club night.