(847) 695-8812        

We believe that Life Groups are Essential! They provide a clear path to belonging, growing and serving in our church.  Sunday morning services are indispensable, but there is much that cannot be accomplished during that brief time, such as building significant relationships that facilitate spiritual growth.  This is where Life Groups come in!  They are an ideal, smaller context for pursuing spiritual growth with other believers who share a commitment to radical life change. They are focused on an application-oriented study of God’s word, accountability, and prayer. God has called us to a life of Christ-Centered Transformation. This can’t be done alone. We need one another to become all that Christ wants us to be in His Body!

Our Bible Studies provide an opportunity to dig into God’s word and grow to be more like our Lord and Savior.  These groups meet at different times and places.  The ladies have two groups, one meeting on Tuesday mornings and the other meeting on Tuesday evenings.  The men’s group meets on Saturday mornings.  We hope you will consider joining one of our studies. 

Submit the form below and let us know that you are interested in finding a group.  More details for each study are available with just a click on the study.  

December 15 Bulletin, Sermon Notes & LifeGroup Questions
December 8 Sermon Notes & LG Questions
November 17 Sermon Notes & LG Questions
November 10 Bulletin, Sermon Notes & LifeGroup Questions

Life Groups